The "Workflow history" option provides the soft-copy of workflow activities related to a selected document, which is sufficient for your own audit trail record. However, when you need to present these workflow details in hard-copy as a legal proof outside SigningHub, use workflow evidence report. 

A Workflow Evidence Report entails the detailed logs of each SigningHub transaction performed within a document workflow. It is available to the respective document Owner only and is downloaded in PDF file. The PDF is also digitally signed by Ascertia with an invisible PAdES-B-LT signature, and can be used as a legal proof outside SigningHub .

So in case a recipient in the workflow repudiates their signature, or if there is any query related to the workflow, this report can resolve all such issues. However, viewing Workflow Evidence Report is subject to your assigned enterprise user role. If you are willing to use this provision, ask your Enterprise Admin to enable it in your Role>Document Settings.

View workflow evidence report of a document

  1. Click the "Documents" option, available at the top of the SigningHub screen.
  2. From your documents list, locate and select the completed document for which you want to see the workflow evidence report.

  1. Click the three dots menu  and select the "Workflow Evidence Report" option.
    The document is downloaded to your local Downloads folder in PDF file.

  1. In the workflow evidence report, based on the selected delivery method for each recipient, either their email or mobile number shall be shown.
  2. The workflow evidence report of a replicated workflow will show that the workflow was replicated.
  3. The delivery method will also be displayed in the details of the applicable log items.
  4. The workflow evidence report PDF contains invisible PAdES-B-LT or PAdES-B-LTA signatures according to the configurations in SigningHub Admin.
  5. The workflow evidence report PDF is available for completed documents only. 
  6. The availability of Workflow Evidence Report is subject to your subscribed service plan. If you could not find this option, contact sales
  7. The workflow evidence report PDF contains unique identifier information subject to your subscribed Service Plan and for enterprise users also the  Default Settings as well.

See Also