View activity logs
SigningHub records your high-level activities along with particular date and time stamps, and other details to provide an effective audit trail. There are mainly 5 types of activities that are logged, i.e. Account/ User, Document, Billing, Settings and Enterprise related activities. In this regard, the following activities are logged:
- Account/ User:
- When you create an account
- When you activate your account
- When you log in
- When you log out
- When you are invited by an enterprise admin
- When you accept an invitation
- When you decline an invitation
- When your login attempt is failed
- When you send a forgot password request
- When your session time is out
- When you change your account password
- When you upgrade your account
- When your account is locked
- When your account is unlocked
- When you download the excel reports of registered users
- When you download the excel reports of user invitations
- Document:
- When you upload a document
- When you add a document from the library
- The original format of the uploaded document
- When the document was converted to pdf format after upload
- When you open a document
- When you close a document
- When you add a contact in a document
- When you add a comment in a document
- When you add an attachment in a document
- When you add a text field in a document
- When you fill-in a form field in a document
- When you update a form field text in a document
- When you fill-in initials in a document
- When you add in-person signatures in a document
- When you sign a document
- When you sign an electronic seal
- The capacity with which you signed a document
- The signing reason for signing the document
- When you share a document
- When you recall a document
- When you review a document
- When you decline a document
- When you host in-person signatures
- When you update a document
- When you rename a document
- When you delete a document
- When you print a document
- When you download a document
- When you add a document in the library
- When you add a document template
- When you apply a document template
- When you complete a document workflow
- When a replicate a workflow
- When you move a document to a folder/shared space.
- Settings:
- When you update general settings
- When you change account password
- When you update account security question
- When you update locale settings
- When you update signature settings
- When you update electronic seal signature settings
- When you update signature appearance settings
- When you add a contact
- When you update a contact
- When you delete a contact
- When you import a CSV file to add contacts
- When you add a group
- When you update a group
- When you delete a group
- When you add a template
- When you update a template
- When you delete a template
- When you upload/ add a document in the library
- When you move a document in the library to a personal library folder
- When you update a document from the library
- When you delete a document from the library
- When you create a personal library folder
- When you rename a personal library folder
- When you delete a personal library folder
- When you update a notification email
- When you update a notification email content
- When you reset a notification email to default
- When you add a legal notice
- When you update a legal notice
- When you delete a legal notice
- When you delegate your signing authority
- Billing:
- When you make an online payment
- When you cancel an agreement with Worldpay
- Enterprise:
- When you update enterprise profile
- When you change a user role
- When you delete a user
- When you invite a user
- When you import a CSV file to invite users
- When you resend an invitation to a user
- When you delete an invitation
- When you register a single user
- When you register bulk users
- When you update Active Directory user settings
- When you add a new role
- When you update an existing role
- When you delete an existing role
- When you clone an existing role
- When you add an enterprise contact
- When you update an enterprise contact
- When you delete an enterprise contact
- When you import a CSV file to add enterprise contacts
- When you add a new enterprise group
- When you update an existing enterprise group
- When you delete an existing enterprise group
- When you add an enterprise template
- When you update an enterprise template
- When you delete an enterprise template
- When you clone an enterprise template
- When you upload/ add a document in enterprise library
- When you move a document in the library to an enterprise library folder
- When you update a document from enterprise library
- When you delete a document from enterprise library
- When you create an enterprise library folder
- When you rename an enterprise library folder
- When you delete an enterprise library folder
- When you add an electronic seal
- When you update an electronic seal
- When you delete an electronic seal
- When you update a notification email
- When you update a notification email content
- When you reset a notification email to default
- When you update application integration settings
- When you update report settings
- When you update document settings
- When you add an enterprise legal notice
- When you update an enterprise legal notice
- When you delete an enterprise legal notice
- When you add a certificate filter
- When you update a certificate filter
- When you delete a certificate filter
- When you enable your enterprise user
- When you disable your enterprise user
- When you update the enterprise default settings
- When you update enterprise branding
- When you export an enterprise template
- When you import and enterprise template
- When you export an enterprise library document
- When you import an enterprise library document
View your activity logs
- Click your profile drop down menu (available at the top right corner).
- Click the "Activity" option.
- Scroll down the grid to view your older activity logs. The system will keep fetching the records accordingly. You can also view the associated information of each activity by clicking the "Details" link.
Each user (i.e. individual/ Enterprise user/ Enterprise Admin) can view their own activity logs. |
See Also