Configure form filling
You can also configure the form filling functionality for PDF compliant forms in a workflow. In this regard, the fields of a PDF form can be assigned to specific recipient(s). When the workflow is initiated, SigningHub will allow only the specified recipient(s) to fill in the assigned fields upon their turn. In case a form field is not assigned to any recipient, then all recipients in the workflow can enter text in that field before singing the document.
A document owner can also make it mandatory for any recipient to fill in the form field(s), in this case the document cannot be signed without specifying data in those form field(s). Once specified, such information becomes the permanent part of a signed PDF document.
After you have:
- Configured special privileges for each recipient/ placeholder as required in a workflow package:
Configure form filling
- Select the document (pdf form) from the left side of document viewer screen, on which form filling needs to be configured. Click
(encircled with the blue colour on image) if you want to manage the added documents.
- Now take the cursor to the desired field of the PDF form, and click
appearing on it.
- The "Form Field" dialog will appear.
- The "Assigned to" field will list all the configured recipients/ placeholders of the workflow. Select the required recipient to assign the field to him/ her.
- "Field Name" shows an auto-generated (unique and read-only) field name that is used when you need to fill in this field through the API calls. This field is only available as far as the status of a document is Draft.
- Tick the "Required" option if you want SigningHub to enforce the recipient to fill in the field. Click the "Save" button.
- Repeat the above steps to configure other fields on the PDF form.
See Also
- Add signature fields
- Add in-person signature fields
- Add electronic seal fields
- Add initials fields
- Add attachment fields
- Add miscellaneous information fields
- Add QR Code
- Add Unique Identifier