Script File Execution

  1. Copy the following script files from this location (Installation Directory/setup/db-scripts/Oracle) of SigningHub Installation package folder and paste them in any directory of the server where ORACLE is installed.
    • Signinghub-full-script.sql
    • Signinghub-sample.sql
  1. In order to connect Linux machine, invoke PUTTY
  2. Provide Oracle Operating System User Name and Password for login
  3. Go to directory (CD ‘[File Path]’) where files are copied
  4. Execute the below command to connect to SigningHub user which are created above for Oracle 19c
    • sqlplus [User Name]@[Host]/[Service Name or SID]

Placeholder Names


[User Name]

The user created in the step 7, under prerequisites.


Database server IP or DNS name.

[Service Name Or SID]

Replace this placeholder with the service name or SID that you have given during ORACLE installation.


Replace this placeholder with the password that you have given while creating the database user.

  1. To create the SigningHub schema, execute the following command. Script file will create a schema necessary for SigningHub. 
    • SQL> @SigningHub-full-script.sql;
  1. To execute the SigningHub Sample script, execute the following command. Its optional, so if you do not require sample data in SigningHub application you can skip this part. 
    • SQL> @SigningHub-sample.sql;
    • SQL> Commit;

See also