To configure SigningHub Integration Demo to work in your environment, follow these instructions:

  1. Log into SigningHub Desktop Web.
  2. Set a Client ID and generate the Client Secret from Enterprise Settings > Integrations, see details.
  3. Create a template in Enterprise Settings > Templates. Add an enterprise user, add a signature field and save the template, see details.
  4. Upload the same document in Enterprise Settings > Library, and while uploading, select the same template as created in step 3, see details.
  5. Open the demo\web.config file and set the parameters as explained below:
    1. HOST_API_URL is the address of the SigningHub web services deployment e.g.
    2. INTEGRATION_LANGUAGE is the language in which Integration Viewer will be displayed.
    3. Set INTEGRATION_CLIENT_ID and INTEGRATION_CLIENT_SECRET that are generated in step 2. These parameters are used to communicate with SigningHub web services.
    4. INTERGRATION_DOCUMENT_ID is the document ID created in step 4.
    5. INTEGRATION_USER_EMAIL which will be used as SCOPE by the business application. All of the document actions will be performed for this user. 
    6. USER_EMAIL is the password of the user used in step 1.
    7. USER_PASSWORD is the password of the user used in step 1.

Parameters starting with DESKTOP/CLIENT are used for client side signing while the rest ones are used for server-side signing. You can skip the parameters that are not required in your environment.

See also