You can also make the manual payments through SigningHub Admin interface. This is useful in situations when payments are to save against the private service plans, or against those online payments that have been failed due to any technical reason.

Add a manual payment record

  1. Click the "Billing" option from the left menu. The "All Payments" screen will appear.
  2. Click  from the grid header. The "Manual Payment" dialog will appear.

  3. Specify the payment details accordingly and click the "Save Payment" button. See the below table for fields description.
    A new payment transaction will be made and shown in the payments list. 
  4. Click the "Publish Changes" button from the top right corner, to make these configurations effective on the front-end (SigningHub Desktop Web).

Manual Payment



Account Owner Email

Specify the email ID of the account owner against which payment is to make.
This will bring the read-only fields of "Service Plan" and "Monthly Price" to view the related information.

Service Plan

Read only field to display the subscribed service plan of the above mentioned account owner. Click  to view plan details.

Monthly Price

Read only field to display the monthly price of the subscribed service plan.

Yearly Price

Read only field to display the annual price of the subscribed service plan.


Specify the payment mode, i.e. Monthly or Yearly.

Payment Amount

Specify the payment amount to be added in the system. From the adjacent drop down, choose the payment currency, i.e. USD, GBP, EUR, BDT, etc.

VAT Number

Specify Value Added Tax (VAT) number of the account owner.

Transaction ID/ Charge ID

When making a manual payment, specify any ID that can be used as transaction ID/ charge ID of the payment.

Agreement ID/ Customer ID

The agreement ID/ customer ID is auto populated when you make a manual payment against an account whose billing is already Active. However, when you make a manual payment against an account that is using a private service plan then you will need to manually specify the agreement ID/ customer ID.


Specify the reason of making this manual payment.

  1. ​For a payment made through WorldPay, the "Agreement ID" and "Transaction ID" fields are used in the payment records. 
  2. For a payment made through Stripe, the "Customer ID" and "Charge ID" fields are used in the payment records.
  3. For a payment made through SSLCommerz, the "Transaction ID" or "Charge ID" fields are used in the transaction record. 
  4. For "Pay As You Go" plans the due date will be 1 year from the latest payment made.
  5. The "Pay As You Go" plans do not support recurrent payments.

See also