Make a Clone of Service Plan
At times you need to create multiple service plans with a little variations. The best way to achieve this is to create a service plan with all the configurations and then make clones of it. You can then edit each service plan clone as per requirement.
For this:
- Click the "Service Plans" option from the left menu.
The "Service Plans" screen will appear. - Search/ move to the service plan to clone and click
adjacent to it.
- A dialog will appear.
Specify name of the clonal service plan as required. The name must be different than the original service plan name.
Tick the "Public" check box to make this service plan available for the public access, or keep it un-ticked to make it a private service plan. The public service plans are created for cloud based deployments, while private service plans are created for on-premises deployments. - Click the "Save" button.
See Also