Create a New Certification Profile
Certification profile identifies the ADSS Certification Server profile that has been configured for SigningHub Desktop Web, to generate the certified asymmetric key pairs. These certificates are used during the server side signing. Based on the business requirements, you can manage (Add, Edit and Delete) multiple certification profiles to offer different types of certificates (i.e. Public CA based certificates, Local CA based certificates, certificates with custom validity, certificates for qualified signatures etc.) to your end users.
A document owner has more control over the signing process and can set level of assurance on a signature field as configured under certification profile, which reflects at the time of signing. Certification profiles can also be configured based on level of assurances, where eSeal produces an Electronic Witness Signature. To produce Digital Signatures or Remote Authorisation Signing; Advanced Electronic Signature (AES), High Trust Advanced (AATL) and Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) can be set as level of assurance.
Create a new certification profile
- Create a new ADSS Server connector.
- Choose the "Configurations" option from the left menu.
- Choose the "Certification Profiles" option. The "Certification Profiles" screen will appear.
- Click on the
icon in the grid header.
- A dialog appears where you can configure the details of the certification profile. Specify the details accordingly and click the "Save" button. A new certification profile will be saved and displayed in the list. See the following table for the description of the fields .
- Repeat steps 1 till 5 to configure further certification profiles.
Certification Profile |
Fields |
Description |
Name |
Specify a unique name for this certification profile, e.g. My SigningHub Certification. This name will be used in the service plan configuration. |
Description |
Add any description related to this certification profile for your record. |
Level of Assurance |
Select a level of assurance for your certification profile, while producing a signing key for a user. The terms for a level of assurance are as per eIDAS Standards. For details of these terms click here. Possible values are:
For eSeal a "Certificate Alias" is mandatory and for the three levels of assurances "Certification Authority Server" is mandatory. |
Select the value as per your certificate key generation, if your signing certificate is generated with an user password or if the intended certificate is generated for remote authorisation signing. Possible values are User Password, System Generated Password and Remote Authorisation.
This field displays a list of ADSS connectors. Select one to use for the certification profile. Click on the eye icon |
Enter the certificate alias for the identification of service keys and it's related certificate that is configured under ADSS > Key Manager.
Auto Download Certificate |
Select to allow SigningHub to automatically import the required certificate for eSeal signature from the Certification Authority Server specified above.
This option only works with the latest ADSS Server 6.9 version. |
Certificate (CER) |
Select the appropriate certification file (with the .cer extension) against the Certificate Alias specified above. Use this option if you need to manually import the certificate. |
Use this profile as default for Electronic Seal Signatures |
This check box only appears when Electronic Seal (eSeal) is selected under Level of Assurance. Select this checkbox if you want to show the certification profile as default for eSeal signing at the time of signing, for the user for which there is no eSeal capacities are configured in service plan. |
Certification Service Profile ID |
Specify the ID or name of the profile which you've created in the ADSS Certification Server for your SigningHub Desktop Web,i.e. "adss:certification:profile:001" |
Active |
Select this check box to enable the certification profile for service plans configuration. Inactive profiles cannot be configured in the service plans. |