SigningHub allows you to configure a specific quota against each system resource/ service for your enterprise users on individual basis. This is useful to restrict them from abusing the system resources as allowed in your enterprise service plan. In this way, you can prevent your enterprise from being hijacked by a few individuals consuming the available resources. 

Usage Statistics

Field Headers



This header lists all the system resources whose usage limits can be quantified, i.e. Signatures, Simple Electronic Signatures , Storage, Workflows, Document Upload Size, and Templates. 

  1. "Simple Electronic Signatures" constraint option will only be displayed, if the "SIMPLE_ELECTRONIC_SIGNATURES" module enabled in the license.
  2. Signatures specify digital signatures (PKI signatures) performed using all level of assurance except Simple Electronic Signature (eSignature) if "SIMPLE_ELECTRONIC_SIGNATURES" module enabled  in the license.If "SIMPLE_ELECTRONIC_SIGNATURES" module disabled in the license than system will work as of today and specify signatures (PKI or Non-PKI) performed using any level of assurance.


This header lists the blank fields against each system resource (constraint) to define their limits in numbers. The defined number cannot be more than the respective limit as allowed in your enterprise service plan.

If you leave any field blank against a particular constraint, SigningHub will allow the maximum limit to it as per the allowed limit in your enterprise service plan.


This header lists the utilised resources against each constraint by this enterprise user. 

Service Plan

This header lists the allowed resources in your service plan against each constraint.

Set service quota of your enterprise user

  1. Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
  2. Click your profile drop down menu (available at the top right corner).
  3. Click the "Enterprise Settings" option. 
  4. Click the "Users" option from the left menu. Your existing enterprise users will be listed.
  5. Click  adjacent to the enterprise user whose system quota is required to set and select the "Usage Statistics" option.

  1. A dialog will appear from where you can set the allowed quota of system resources. See the "Usage Statistics" table above for the fields description.
  2. Define the allowed limits in numbers for this user and click the "Save" button. 
    Repeat the same steps to define these limits for other enterprise users.

See Also