Recall a document
SigningHub allows you to recall your In-Progress and Pending document(s), provided it is allowed in your role. This is useful in the cases where you have accidentally initiated a premature workflow or document sign off is no more required for any reason. You can recall an in-progress or pending1 document at any stage of a workflow, i.e. start, middle, just before completing, etc. The document recalling feature is available to the document owners only.
Recall an in progress document
- Click the "Documents" option, available at the top of the SigningHub screen.
- From your documents list, locate and select the in progress document to recall. You can even select multiple documents.
- Click the three dots menu
and select the "Recall" option.
- A confirmation dialog will appear, click the "Yes" option.
- The selected document(s) will be recalled.
- Their workflow(s) will be terminated and the document(s) will be reverted back to the "Draft" status.
- SigningHub will increment the available workflow quota of document owner's account by one.
- An intimation email will be sent from the document owner to the immediate next configured recipient (in case of a sequential workflow) or to all the configured recipients (in case of a parallel or individual workflow), regarding the termination of workflow.