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System Reports

SigningHub provides certain real-time statistical reports related to Service plans, Accounts, and Billings that could facilitate the stakeholders in taking the appropriate business decisions. The access of "Reports" option can be controlled from the "Access Control" area, so its accessibility can be restricted to the concerned operators/ officials.

View the system reports
  1. Click the "Reports" option from the left menu.
  2. Click the desired report from the "Reports" panel.
    The respective stats will be displayed accordingly.
Currently, the following reports are being offered. The retrieved stats from these reports can be exported to excel files as required. 

Download the report stats in excel sheet
Click  available at the bottom of the "Report" screen. 
The excel sheet file is downloaded to your local Downloads folder.

See also
SigningHub Architecture & Deployment
Getting Started
Manage SigningHub Admin Configurations
Manage Custom Service Plans
Manage SigningHub Accounts
Billing Information
Manage SigningHub Admin Access
View Operator Logs
Third Party App Integration Keys
SigningHub FAQs
Document Revisions