After removing all the customisations, proceed to the uninstallation step.

Uninstall SigningHub for Salesforce

  1. Login into your Salesforce account with a "System Administrator" profile.
  2. Click the "Setup" cog and select Setup from the menu.

  1. From the left menu, expand Apps, Packages, the "Installed Packages" page will display. Click the "Uninstall" link for the SigningHub for Salesforce package.

  1. The "Uninstalling a Package" screen will appear. Scroll down the screen, and select the "Do not save a copy of this package's data after uninstall" option. A warning message will appear, click Ok to continue.
  2. Check the "Yes, I want to uninstall this package and permanently delete all associated components." tickbox.
  3. Click the "Uninstall" button. The installed package will be successfully removed.

  1. You will be returned to the "Installed Packages" page

  1. Once the package has uninstalled you will receive an email notification, once you have received this email refresh the "Installed Packages" page
  2. The SigningHub for Salesforce package will now appear in the "Uninstalled Packages section, click Del to completely remove the package.

NOTE: The package cannot be removed until all page customisations have been removed.