All error and information messages shown within the ADSS Server are configurable. To configure these messages you need to modify messages properties file for relevant ADSS Server components present at the locations below:

  • [ADSS Server Home]/conf/
  • [ADSS Server Home]/service/
  • [ADSS Server Home]/unity-console/response_code.json

ADSS Unity Console also supports multiple languages. The language folder is present at the location below:

  • [ADSS Server Home]/unity-console/languages

The response_code.json file that is placed under unity console folder, contains the respective error codes along with http status, module, category and message. If the client in a multi-lingual environment, then, the configuration changes made against a respective error id in this file will be reflected in the language file of that particular language as well. For example, if the client has updated the error code '84037' in response_code.json while operating in Spanish language, then the respective error code for '84037' will be displayed in Spanish. 

An example system message is:

You can open file and update the text:

ADSS Server only allows you to change system messages and alert messages generated from the system. Currently there is no functionality to change the text on labels, buttons etc. This can be added upon request.

See also

Changing Notification (Alert) Messages

Changing System Messages

Replacing the ADSS Server Welcome Page