The ADSS Server Signature Activation Module (SAM) Service has been designed to provide high-trust Qualified Remote Signature services. It meets the requirements defined in the ETSI EN 419 241-1 standard and ETSI EN 419 241-2 Protection Profile and thus, ensures that an end-user's private signing key and Qualified Certificate can only be used under the sole control of the Signer, and only used for the intended purpose. ADSS SAM Server can be tuned to optimise by following simple set of instructions.

Consider the following options - ask our Solution Consultants for help with your specific requirements:

  1. Use the fastest CPU available - ADSS SAM Server is primarily CPU intensive, Xeon E3-xxxx or E5-xxxx or equivalent CPUs that are rated at 10K+ passmarks are recommended.
  2. Use solid-state disks instead of conventional spinning disks from the system.
  3. Ensure there is enough overall system memory and the "ADSS-service" Windows Service (or Unix daemon) has adequate memory assigned (min 4GB, consider 8GB for highest performance or more for better performance).
  4. Use a separate powerful database server over a suitably fast network.
  5. Increase hibernate.c3p0.maxPoolSize value from from Global Settings > Advanced Settings > Service to min 3000 or more.
  6. Check that the ADSS SAM Server trace logs settings are set to the "Error" level and not "Info" and certainly not "Debug".
  7. Set SAD Expiry time by setting the value of SAM_REQUEST_EXPIRY_PERIOD to 600/Sec or more at Global Settings > Advanced Settings
  8. Disable the "Log SAM transactions" option on Console > SAM Service > Service Manager
  9. Increase the Database connection pool size to 1000 (minimum) or more.

See also

Configuring the SAM Service

Registered Users
Transactions Log Viewer
Logs Archiving

SAM Service Interface URLs

Optimising ADSS SAM Server Performance