Home > ADSS Signing Service > Configuring the Signing Service > Step 4 - Configuring Signing Profile > Signature Settings > PDF/PAdES Signing Attributes > Invisible PDF Signatures > Using a Local Language

Using a Local Language

Different signature attributes such as "signing reason", "location" and "signer contact information" values can be defined with a local language alternative. If you wish to change the "Value" text to a local language alternative then you can do that by launching the signing profile (i.e. configured with invisible signature settings) and editing the signature settings page as shown below:

Change the "Reason" value text to a local language alternative (e.g. Portuguese) and press the "Save" button.  Other attributes i.e. Signing Location and Contact Information can also be localized the same way.

​The PDF viewer used by the end user is responsible for the displaying the various labels such as Signing Reason.