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OCSP Repeater Access Control

The OCSP Repeater access control module allows you to restrict the access of OCSP Repeater service based on the following options:

The last three options above can be used simultaneously if required. The following screen shows the configurations which can be made:

The configuration items are as follows:

Item Description
Allow open access If this option is enabled, it allows open access and all requests are accepted.
Allow access based on TLS client certificates This option has two sub-filters:
  • Allow access only to the certificates issued by a CA registered in Trust Manager
  • Allow/deny access to certificates issued by a CA registered in Trust Manager with defined key words such as common name, organisation etc. which must appear in the certificate. E.g. choose the option include following DN attributes and set Common Name = CA1, Organisation = Ascertia for the Issuer Certificate. This allows access to TLS client certificates to OCSP repeater service having "CA1" as its common name and "Ascertia" as its organization. Requests coming for any other issuer certificate will be rejected
Allow access based on requests being signed This option is used when the OCSP repeater request message is signed by the requestor (OCSP client).  It has two sub-filters:
  • Allow access only to the certificates issued by a CA registered in Trust Manager
  • Allow/deny access to certificates issued by a CA registered in Trust Manager with defined key words such as common name, organisation etc. which must appear in the certificate. E.g., choose the option exclude following DN attributes and set Common Name = Alice, Organisation = Ascertia for subject certificate. This will deny access to OCSP repeater service for OCSP repeater requests signed with a cert having "Alice" as its common name and "Ascertia" as its organization. Requests coming for any other issuer certificate will be allowed.
Allow access based on IP addresses This option allows you to include the list of IP addresses to allow or deny. Wildcards * can be used.
  • Allow Access Example: Choose the option Include IP address and enter IP address e.g. to give OCSP repeater service access to this IP address only.
  • Deny Access Example: Choose the option Exclude IP address and enter IP address e.g. to deny OCSP repeater service access to this IP address only.
  • Wildcard Example: Choose any option i.e. Exclude IP address or Include IP address and give IP address e.g. 192.168.*.* to deny/allow OCSP repeater service access to any IP address falling in this IP range.

Choosing the option Allow access based on TLS client certificates or Allow access based on requests being send and clicking Add/Edit button will show the following screen where filtering can be performed based on Issuer or Subject DN Attributes:

A similar screen as above will be shown when filtering on bases of the TLS certificates.
Also, choosing the option Allow access based on IP addresses and clicking Add/Edit button will show the following screen where filtering can be performed based on IP Address:

​At least one "Include IP address" entry must be made before an "Exclude IP address" entry can be made.
It is then necessary to restart the OCSP Repeater service to have the change take effect in the running system.

See also