Home > Global Settings > Advanced Settings > Services Level Settings > Decryption Service

Decryption Service

Property Description
SOAP version Version of SOAP message when the response XML is produced.
  • SOAP_VERSION = 1.1
Possible values are 1.1 and 1.2
Transaction logs settings Transactions can be stored either directly or delayed for better performance. The following properties are used for logging:
    Used to decide whether the transactions are kept in memory before these are stored in the database (LAZY logging) or directly stored in the database (EAGER logging). Possible values: LAZY, EAGER
    In case of LAZY logging the transaction logs are kept in memory upto the number of seconds configured in TRANSACTION_LOG_LAZY_INTERVAL or number of transactions configured in TRANSACTION_LOG_LAZY_RECORD_COUNT whichever is reached first

    When LAZY logging is configured, transactions are kept in memory upto the configured time or if the configured TRANSACTION_LOG_LAZY_RECORD_COUNT is reached before it

    When LAZY logging is configured, transactions are kept in memory until the configured number of transactions is reached or if the configured TRANSACTION_LOG_LAZY_INTERVAL is met before it. 

See also