Home > ADSS RA Service > Alerts


The ADSS RA Service can be configured to generate email, SMS and/or SNMP based general alerts when the following events occur:

The system operators that will receive these general alerts can be defined within the service GUI.   

The ADSS RA service can also be configured to generate profile bases alerts mentioned below to only those operators who are associated with the RA profile.


The configuration items are as follows:

Failed to create the certificate
ADSS RA Service sends an email alert to the relevant operators when it fails to create a certificate for whatever reason.
Failed to communicate with the CA Server ADSS RA Service sends an email alert to the relevant operators when it fails to communicate with the CA Server.
Internal error occurred (Reason: database not accessible etc)
When enabled, an alert is sent whenever an internal error has occurred during processing of a request (e.g. database was not accessible).
Unable to use log signing Key at auto-archiving time
When enabled, an alert is sent whenever unable to use the Log Signing Key at auto-archiving time. Note that Log Signing Key is configured in Global Settings >> System Certificates section
When archiving is performed
When enabled, service will send an alert whenever auto-archiving is performed.
Failed to communicate with the CA Server
When enabled, service will send an alert to the relevant operators whenever it fails to communicate with the CA Server.
>> and <<
These buttons are used to select and deselect system operators to whom alerts are sent.
Send Certificate expiry alert days before certificate expired 
When enabled,service will send an alert to the relevant operators number of days prior to certificate expiry date.
Send an alert to the end-entity when a pending certificate request is approved
When enabled ,service will send an alert to the end entity when a pending certificate request is approved. 
End user certificate generation request received
When using the asynchronous interface the certificate request is added to the pending approval queue within the ADSS RA service.Once approved and the certificate is issued,an alert is sent to the end-user when this option is enabled. 

Click Save button for the changes to take effect

See also