Service statistical reports are generated based on the entire history of ADSS Server's data no matter if the transactions have been archived or were not logged in the database. TSA Service shows the following options to view the Management Reporting.


The configuration items are as follows:



Management Reporting on Live Data

If this option is selected, it will show the existing Management Reporting module which reports are based on the data stored in the transaction logs. As this data is present in the database and not archived that's why it is Live Data. 

Service Statistical Report

This option will be visible only when data is archived and deleted from the database provided that transaction logging is enabled. 

If this option is selected, it will show a new Management Reporting module. This module would only show the high-level statistics and not the lower level details e.g. links to transaction logs etc. These reports are the overall stats of a service.

Service Stats Report

By selecting the Service Statistical Report, the following screen will be shown. By default it shows the transaction details for the last 24 hours:

The configuration items are as follows:




Select the start date for the date range you want to report on.


Select the end date for the date range you want to report on.

Target TSA Profile(s)

Select a particular TSA profile for which you want to see the statistics otherwise choose ALL option. By pressing the Show Report button the screen will be refreshed to show you the results concerning the number of success and failed transactions during that date range.

Export Report

The generated report can be exported as a PDF file.

Profile Stats Report

This report types allows you to summaries the transactions for each of the defined TSA profiles: 


The report shows the number of transactions for each local TSA profile and also any external TSAs (when the requests are forwarded to a back-end TSA). Simply select the desired date range and then press the Show Report button. This report can be exported as a PDF.

See also

Service Report

Usage Report
TSA Profiles Report
Service Statistical Report