Ascertia’s Advanced Digital Signature Services (ADSS) Server breaks new ground in offering the most flexible framework for delivering digital signature creation, signature verification, certificate validation, data timestamping and other trust services to business applications and workflows.

Delivering Trust to Business Applications

Trust is created and delivered by having:

  • Verifiable User Identity - unequivocal proof of a user's national, legal or business status
  • Verifiable Business Identity - unequivocal proof of the legal status of a business or any other type of organisational entity
  • Verified Bindings of Identities with digital signatures on documents or data
  • Certainty that a document or data is signed-off and/or approved
  • Trace-ability of who signed and when - also whether the signing credentials were trustworthy at the time
  • Trust is essential for reducing time, cost, risk, fraud and errors in business communications

With the right level of trust, recipients can determine that a sender is trusted; the content of a document or data is original and unchanged; it can be assured it is the final approved version and can prove this. Documents can be signed-off and approvals are managed, enforced and checked.  Any changes made to documents or data can satisfy requirements for trace-ability, audit and compliance, both easily and effectively.

Business Usage Scenarios

ADSS Server has been designed to address the needs for delivering trust to business applications and workflows and can be used simply and easily to create and verify advanced digital signatures even within complex business workflow processes. The following diagrams summarise just some of the business usage scenarios that ADSS can be deployed within.

See also

Identity Proven, Trust Delivered

ADSS Server Features and Benefits
ADSS Server Trust Services
ADSS Server Architecture & Interfaces
ADSS Signing Service Overview
ADSS Verification Service Overview
ADSS Certification Service Overview
ADSS OCSP Service Overview
ADSS TSA Service Overview
ADSS XKMS Service Overview
ADSS SCVP Service Overview
ADSS LTANS Service Overview
ADSS Decryption Service Overview
ADSS CRL Monitor Overview