Home > Manage SigningHub Admin Configurations > Configure SigningHub Branding

Configure SigningHub Branding

In case of an on-premises SigningHub deployment, you can customize the default colour scheming of SigningHub web interface according to your company brand. The default scheme (configured from here) can be overruled from the branding option (of SigningHub web), through enterprise admin account. 

A SigningHub Admin can configure company logos (i.e. Product Logo and favicon), and colour scheme for Page Header, Dialog Headers, Action Buttons, Scroll bars, Selected Menu option, Right Panels, List Headers, Document Background, Right Panel Headers and Progress Bars. They can even customise the error messages content (i.e. images and text), see details.

Configure a (default) branding for SigningHub web interface
  1. Click the "Configurations" option from the left menu.
  2. Click the "Branding" option.
    The "Branding" screen will appear.
  3. Click the "Company Logo" tab. Browse the images for your product logo and favicon as required.
    Product logo will be shown on the login page while favicon will be displayed in the title of browser tab.

  4. Click the "Colours" tab, and customize the colour schemes of required levels. You can also use hex colouring codes to specify your choice colour. 
    There are 13 levels of colours customization you can do to brand SigningHub for your enterprise, see details
  5. Click the "Save" button to apply the changes from the screen bottom.
  6. In case you want to revert the changes to their default, click the "Reset to Default" button. 
  7. Click the "Publish Changes" button from the top right corner, to make these configurations effective on the front-end (SigningHub Desktop Web).

​1. The branding options configured from SigningHub Admin will be reflected on the entire interface of SigningHub web application (of the same on-premises deployment) that includes the pre logged-in content (i.e. login, register, forget password, etc. pages), as well as the post logged-in content (i.e. the actual SigningHub Desktop Web). However, the branding options configured through (Enterprise Admin account of) SigningHub web will be applicable to the post logged-in content only.
2. You can update the content of the SigningHub error messages, see details.

See also
Configure Global Settings
Manage Connectors
Manage Authentication Profiles
Manage Certification Profiles
Manage Signing Profiles
Manage Verification Profiles
Manage Virtual ID Profiles
Configure Auto Signing of Workflow Evidence Report
Configure Service Agreements
Configure Document Settings
Configure Data Security
Configure Billing Facility
Configure SigningHub License
Configure SigningHub Instances
Update Redis Configurations
Publish Your Configurations