
If you experience any issues with the SigningHub and Coupa integration and need to consult log information to diagnose the problem, you can find this essential data in a specific path within the system. This path has been specially designed to offer direct and easy access to the integration logs, allowing you to keep a detailed track of all the activities, interactions and possible errors that may arise during the use of the integration.

To access this information, simply navigate to the following path on your system: /Coupa-Connector/logs. Once there, you'll find a series of app.log  files organized so that you can quickly identify relevant information. These logs are detailed and structured to provide a clear view of every step performed within the integration, including requests sent, responses received, and any error messages that were generated.

It is crucial to review these logs if you encounter any problems, as they will not only give you clues about the nature of the error and how to fix it, but they are also essential in informing the technical support team about where exactly the problem lies. Providing this detailed information to the support team significantly speeds up the problem diagnosis and resolution process, allowing for more effective communication and faster resolution of the issue.