SigningHub offers certain helpful document utilities, which you can avail after adding your documents in a package. They are:

Rename the documents package

  1. Click  from the screen header.

  1. Specify new name of your package in the next appearing dialog, and click the "Save" button.

Apply a template on your document(s)

  1. Click  against the document in a workflow package, on which you want to apply a template.

  1. A dialog will appear showing options to list your personal templates (and enterprise templates in case you are an enterprise user). Select the required option (i.e. All, Personal, or Enterprise) to list the templates accordingly. The adjacent count shows the respective number of templates available under each option. The templates that are marked as read-only are the locked templates. The predefined configurations of a read-only template can not be modified. However the placeholder fields inside a template can still be updated as required.
  2. Select a template from the list and click the "Apply" button. In case you want to apply this template on all the documents of the package, click the "Apply to All" button.

  1. All the configurations saved in the (selected) template will be applied on the document(s). 

Delete a document

  1. Click  against the document in a workflow package, which you want to delete.

The selected document will be deleted from your workflow package.

Rename a document

  1. Click the three dots menu  and select the "Rename" option, against the document in a workflow package which you want to rename.

  1. Specify new name of your document in the next appearing dialog, and click the "Save" button.

Download a document

  1. Click the three dots menu  and select the "Download" option, against the document in a workflow package which you want to download.

The document will be downloaded to your local Downloads folder in PDF file. 

Save a document in SigningHub library

  1. Click the three dots menu  and select the "Add to Library" option, against the document in a workflow package which you want to save in the library.

The document will be saved in your personal documents library.

Re-upload a document

  1. Click the three dots menu  and select the "Re-upload" option, against the document in a workflow package which you want to re-upload. 

  1. Upon clicking the re-upload button, the "Update document" dialog will open, allowing the user to add a new document. This will replace the old document with the new document. 

  1. The number of pages of the re-uploaded document must be equal to or more than the number of pages of the original document which has been replaced.

Managing properties of a document

  1. Upload a document that contains signatures, attachments, and/or is PDF/A compliant.
  2. Once the document is uploaded, the "Properties" dialog will appear. This dialog will display the name of the document and all the properties contained in the document. From the "Properties" dialog, the user can choose which properties they want to preserve in the document.



This option will only appear if the uploaded document contains any signatures. By default, the "Yes" option will be selected.
When the "Yes" option is selected:

  • The signatures in the uploaded document will be retained.
  • The option to remove the compliance and attachments will be disabled and the system will not allow the removal of compliance and attachments. 

When the "No" option is selected:

  • The signatures in the uploaded document will be removed but the document will still contain the signature stamp.
  • The system will allow the removal the compliance and attachments.
  • If the document was previously locked, it will no longer remain locked.  


This option will only appear if the uploaded document is PDF/A compliant. By default, the "Yes" option will be selected.
When the "Yes" option is selected:

  • The PDF/A compliance of the uploaded document will be retained. 

When the "No" option is selected:

  • The PDF/A compliance of the uploaded document will not be retained and the document will be converted into a simple PDF.

  1. The "Compliance" option will not appear in the properties dialog, if the "Enable PDF/A Compliancy" option is enabled in the user's service plan.
  2. By default, the "Compliance" option in the properties dialog will be disabled if the document contains signatures.


This option will only appear if the uploaded document contains any attachments. By default, the "Yes" option will be selected.
When the "Yes" option is selected:

  • The attachments in the uploaded document will be retained. 

When the "No" option is selected:

  • The attachments in the uploaded document will be removed.

  1. By default, the "Attachments" option in the properties dialog will be disabled if the document contains signatures. 

  1. Click the "Proceed" button to preserve the selected properties.

  2. To view the properties dialog again, the user can click on the info icon or click  and select the "Properties" option, against the document. These options will only appear for a document containing properties.

  1. Upon uploading multiples documents containing properties, the "Properties" dialog will show properties against each document in collapsing tabs. 
  2. When the user chooses not to preserve a property from the "Properties" dialog and clicks on the "Proceed" button, the system removes the related metadata from the document.
  3. The user can choose to keep or remove the metadata for a PDF document only while the workflow is in "Draft" mode. 
  4. If a document contains properties, an info icon and a "Properties" option in the  drop down will appear against the document. This can be used to view the "Properties" dialog for each document, individually. 
  5. To experience the exact settings, it is recommended to apply a workflow template on the same documents (for which it was created). The actual positions of configured signature/ initials/ in-person fields may alter, if a template is applied on different type or size of documents.
  6. When a read-only template is applied on a document, SigningHub wont allow to change any predefined configurations. For more details, see Read-only Templates.

See Also