SigningHub Mobile Web
Make the following changes in the “web.config” file to configure Application Settings for SigningHub Mobile Web.
To open SigningHub Application for iOS or Android from Mobile Web Interface:
These are smart banner app settings attributes 'apple-itunes-app', 'google-play-app'. Remove these attributes if a banner is not desired.
<add key="apple-itunes-app" value="app-id=1546086577" />
<add key="google-play-app" value="app-id=com.shub779app" />
Andriod app parameters to open from browser.
<add key="andriod_intent_filter" value="" />
<add key="andriod_scheme" value="shub779app" />
<add key="andriod_package" value="com.shub779app" />
See also