You can also merge other document(s) with your workflow document before sharing it. However, merging documents in a workflow is subject to your assigned enterprise user role. If you are willing to use this provision, ask your Enterprise Admin to enable it in your Role>Document Settings.

Merge a document

After you have:

  1. Click  and then  from the left side of document viewer screen.

  1. A dialog will appear. Select the document from your package with which you want to merge a PDF. 
  2. Choose whether to merge the PDF "At Top" or "At Bottom" of the document. Click  to browse and upload a PDF.
    The PDF will be merged with the selected document and displayed accordingly.

  1. Repeat the above steps to merge multiple documents.

​A document is merged with the following considerations: 

  1. The dimensions of the documents (being merged) should be the same. However, SigningHub allows up to 5 pixels difference.
  2. There should be no unassigned/ signed signature field in the document being merged.
  3. While merging documents, if the document being merged contains signatures, the "Properties" dialog will appear, allowing the user to choose if they want to preserve the signatures contained in the document.



This option will only appear if the uploaded document contains any signatures. By default, the "Yes" option will be selected.
When the "Yes" option is selected:

  • The signatures in the uploaded document will be retained. 

When the "No" option is selected:

  • The signatures in the uploaded document will be removed but the document will still contain the signature stamp.
  • If the document was previously locked, it will no longer remain locked.  

See Also