January 2024

Improvements in this release

  • Signing Authentication via OTP (SHE-41111)
    • SigningHub mobile apps' logic has been improved to correctly map the user's mobile number to allow signing authentication via OTP.
  • Support for Thai Characters (SHE-41024)
    • SigningHub Mobile Web has been improved to allow the uploading of documents that contain Thai characters in the document name.
  • Custom Workflow Improvement (SHE-41487)
    • The code has been optimised to improve custom workflow processing.
  • Updated Third-Party Library (SHE-41112)
    • The third-party library has been updated.
  • User Experience Improvements (SHE-41084, SHE-41128)
    • The user experience for third-party authentication has been improved.
    • The user experience for uploading documents via mobile web has been improved.