It provides necessary information to complete the upgrade from SigningHub v7.0.x and onwards to the latest version v7.7.1.x ADSS Signing Server should be upgraded to the latest version before upgrading SigningHub Enterprise. The instructions to complete the ADSS Signing Server upgrade are:

  • Download the latest SigningHub Enterprise package from and extract it on the same server machine, where the system is currently deployed but in a different folder.
  • Stop the ADSS Signing Server services from Windows Services Panel.
  • Stop the IIS Server.
  • Take a backup of the ADSS Signing Server and SigningHub Enterprise databases.
  • Go to the location [New-SigningHub-Installation-Dir]/tools/adss-server/setup folder. 
  • Take a backup of the install.xml file by renaming it to a different name, e.g. install.xml.bak.
  • Rename the install.xml.upgrade file to install.xml.
  • Run the install.bat file with administrative privileges (otherwise ADSS Signing Server services will not be registered in Windows Services Panel) to launch the installer.


For further details, follow the instructions in the section 3.1.3 of ADSS-Server-Installation-Guide.pdf which can be found in the [SigningHub-Installation-Dir]/tools/adss-server/docs directory.


If you are upgrading from ADSS Signing Server v4.5.7 or an earlier version to the latest version, then you must obtain a new ADSS Signing Server license file.

The following provides necessary information to complete the upgrade from SigningHub v7.0.x and onwards to the latest version v7.7.8.x

If you are upgrading the SigningHub from v7.2.x.x or an older version then ADSS Server upgrade is required to the latest version(v6.6) which can be found from [SigningHub-Installation-Dir]\tools\adss-server directory.