View document statistics
SigningHub enables you to view the documents related stats of your enterprise. It provides the user based counts of uploaded, shared, signed, approved, updated, and declined documents along with the consumed disk space by them. This is useful to measure the overall efficiency of users within and outside your enterprise in terms of their collaboration part, and also helpful to control your billing.
You can search these records on the basis of "from" and "to" dates and user name/ email, sort them in ascending or descending order as required, and can also download them in excel sheet.
View documents statistics of your enterprise
- Login with your enterprise admin credentials.
- Click your profile drop down menu (available at the top right corner).
- Click the "Enterprise Settings" option.
- Click the "Reports" option from the left menu.
- Click the "Document Statistics" tab.
Those users will be listed who have uploaded, shared, signed, declined, approved, and/ or updated the documents for your enterprise along with their respective counts. Please note the following considerations:
- Your enterprise users will be shown with the enterprise icon i.e.
- The users outside your enterprise will be shown without any icon. These are the users with whom you or your enterprise users have shared the documents for collaboration.
- Use the "From" and "To" fields to filter these records on the basis of specified dates.
- Use the "Search by name or email" field to filter the records on the basis of user name/ email.
- Click the respective column header to sort the records list in ascending or descending order accordingly.
- The bottom figures show the accumulated count of each column.
Download the records in excel sheet
You can export the document statistics to an excel sheet file (xlsx) by clicking available at the bottom left of screen.
The excel sheet file is downloaded to your local Downloads folder.
These stats do not include the signing, approving, updating, or declining counts of those documents, which you or your enterprise users have done for other enterprises. This is because when you sign a document that belongs to another enterprise, the signatures quota of respective document owner/ enterprise is consumed, and hence your collaboration part (counts) is listed in their account (i.e. Document Statistics). |
See Also