You can also merge other document(s) with your workflow document before sharing it. However, merging documents in a workflow is subject to your assigned enterprise user role. If you are willing to use this provision, ask your Enterprise Admin to enable it in your Role>Document Settings.

Merge a document

After you have:

  1. Click  and then  from the left side of document viewer screen.

  2. A dialog will appear. Select the document from your package with which you want to merge a PDF. 
  3. Choose whether to merge the PDF "At Top" or "At Bottom" of the document. Click  to browse and upload a PDF.
    The PDF will be merged with the selected document and displayed accordingly.

  4. Repeat the above steps to merge multiple documents.

​A document is merged with the following considerations: 

  1. The dimensions of the documents (being merged) should be the same. However, SigningHub allows up to 5  pixels difference.
  2. There should be no unassigned/ signed signature field in the document being merged.

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Produce online help for Qt applications