SigningHub provides extensive tools for enterprises to manage the enrollment of end-users into the system, as well as their roles, associated rights and default profile settings. These configurations can be performed by one or more Enterprise Administrators, who can be assigned specific privileges on the system. Specifically SigningHub Enterprise Administrators can:

  • Manage the enterprise profile, branding and perform centralised billing.
  • Invite users to join the enterprise and manage their roles/rights & default settings, and also remove users from the system when no longer required. The enrolment and removal of user accounts from the SigningHub system can also be automated through the API integration.
  • Create workflow templates and link to particular document types. Workflow templates define who the signatories are, in which order they must sign, where in the document the signature should be placed, their access permissions, legal notices, initials fields, form field assignments and all other low level parameters associated with the signing process. End-users can then simply select these workflow templates to automate the document preparation stage instead of manual preparing the document each time. 
  • Create user groups and publish these to the user community. User groups allow any member of the group to sign a document sent to that group.
  • Configure the different notification emails subject/content and when such emails should be sent. 
  • Configure user signing methods, e.g. server-side signing, local signing or mobile signing, as well as signature appearance and e-signature drawing options.
  • Manage the central online library of documents and forms for users.
  • Manage configurations related to business application integration on behalf of the enterprise. 
  • Manage enterprise storage space optimisation.
  • Define and enforce the use of particular signing reasons by end-users when signing. 
  • Configure one or more legal notices and publish for end-user community to use in their signature workflows. 
  • Manage trusted certificate filters when using local signing (i.e. to control which type of user certificates are acceptable for digital signature creation).
  • Manage the enterprise password policy.
  • Manage enterprise branding.

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Write EPub books for the iPad