The package of allowed set of services that can be opted by the end users, to use SigningHub is called a service plan. A service plan may specify but not limited to the following:

  • Service Plan (i.e. Public or Private) 
  • Account type (i.e. Individual or Enterprise)
  • Number of allowed digital signatures
  • Number of allowed templates
  • Number of allowed enterprise users (in case of an Enterprise account)
  • Number of allowed workflows
  • Allowed signing features (i.e. Attachments, form filling, Bulk signing, Initials & In-persons, etc.)
  • Allowed document uploading size
  • Allowed document storage limit
  • Type of signature to be produced (i.e. local or server side)
  • Format of signature to be produced (i.e. PAdES-B-LT or PAdES-B-LTA signatures, signing method, hashing algorithm, etc.)
  • Whether OTP enabled or not
  • Whether RAS enabled or not
  • Whether signing with multiple capacities is allowed or not
  • Billing details (for paid service plans) 

Based on the business requirements, you can manage (Add, Edit, and Delete) multiple service plans to offer different combinations of SigningHub services to your end users (i.e. Individual plan, Enterprise plan, Signature/ Templates/ Workflows/ Storage limits, etc.).

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