Make the following changes in the appsettings.Production.json" file to configure Application Settings for SigningHub Desktop Web.

Client ID and Secret for Authentication:

The SigningHub API requires both a Client ID and Client Secret to authenticate and authorize the SigningHub web application. The following section in appsettings.production.json is mandatory and is automatically configured by the SigningHub installer during installation:

"Credentials": {

  "ClientId": "[Client_ID]",

  "ClientSecret": "[Client_Secret]"}

SigningHub API URL:

The URL of the SigningHub API must be specified in appsettings.Production.json. This URL is also configured by the SigningHub installer during installation:

"Services": {

  "Authentication": "[Signinghub_API]"}

Client App Configuration:

The URL of the SigningHub API and SigningHub Desktop Web must be specified in the env.js. This env.js file can be found at the following path: \web\wwwroot\assets\env.js

window['env']['baseURL'] = '[API_URL]';

window['env']['localGatewayURL'] = '[WEB_URL]';

  1. Please update the below mentioned placeholders, for Client App Configuration:

[API_URL] : To be replaced with the URL of SigningHub API
[WEB_URL] : To be replaced with the URL of SigningHub Desktop Web

See also