After you have opted an existing site collection, or have created a new site collection in your SharePoint environment, to install SigningHub for SharePoint you need to:

1. Create required permission levels in the site collection on which the add-in is required to install, and 

2. Assign the permission levels to SharePoint site groups as required.

These permission levels are used to give a restricted end-user access of SigningHub for SharePoint to the site collection. A SharePoint site group having all these permissions will have full access to the SigningHub for SharePoint add-in.

To comply with the SigningHub standards, the permission names should be:


Allows users to access the admin related configurations option within the add-in.


Allows users to access the check documents status option within the add-in.


Allows users to access the share documents option within the add-in.


Allows users to access the sign documents option within the add-in.


Allows users to access the Account Setting sub-section of the configuration's options.


Allows users to access the User Setting sub-section of the configuration's options.


Allows users to access the Documents Setting sub-section of the configuration's options.


Allows users to access the Advanced Setting sub-section of the configuration's options.


Allows users to access the AutoPull Setting sub-section of the configuration's options.


Allows user to access the Completed Documents Location of the configuration’s options.

Please note that permission names are case-sensitive, and any deviation in them or skipping any permission may possibly lead to SigningHub for SharePoint malfunction. Consider an example of creating the "SH-SETTINGS" permission, the same process can be followed to create other three as well. Once you are done, you need to assign these permission levels to your SharePoint user's groups as required.

1. Log on to your SharePoint site collection as a site owner on which you want to create the custom permission level.

2. Select Site Actions > Site Permissions

3. Click to Permission Levels button in the Manage section of the Ribbon

4. Click to Add Permission Level.

5. Enter the Name and Description values according to table above. Note names are case sensitive.

6. In the Permissions section, select the permissions to include in the new permission level.

7. Click Create to create the new permission level.

8. Repeat the steps 4 to 7 to create other required permissions as well in the same way.