Foreign Certificates
The Foreign Certificates tab inside Manage Certificates sub-module will list all DV certificates generated by ADSS SPOC Service against requests received from Foreign SPOCs. These are foreign DVCA certificates issued by domestic CVCA.
To view the list of foreign DV certificates, navigate to the following screen:
The configuration items are as follows:
Items |
Description |
ID |
It is system-defined unique identifier for the DV Certificate. |
Holder Reference |
It shows the information regarding the holder of the certificate. |
CA Reference |
It shows the information regarding the issuer of the certificate. |
Country |
It shows the country of the certificate. |
Client ID |
It shows the client ID assigned to a foreign SPOC. This Client ID is registered in the Client Manager and its two letter country code of the foreign SPOC. |
SPOC Profile |
It shows the SPOC profile whose configurations were used to issue the certificate. |
Valid From |
It shows the initiation date of the certificate. |
Valid To |
It shows the expiry date of the certificate. |
Status |
It shows the current status of the certificate that can be either 'Active' or 'Suspended'. |
View Certificate |
By clicking on this button, contents of the selected certificate will be displayed. |
Suspend |
By clicking on this button, the status of an 'Active' certificate is changed to 'Suspended'. Note: Re-key request for a suspended certificate will not be entertained. |
Reactivate |
By clicking on this button, the status of a 'Suspended' certificate is changed to 'Active'. |
Delete |
By clicking on this button, the selected certificate will be removed. |
The contents of a selected certificate can be viewed by clicking on 'View Certificate' button. Clicking on the button will display the following screen:
Clicking on the 'Search' button will display the following screen:
A particular foreign DV certificate can be searched based on Status, Client ID, SPOC Profile, Country, Holder Reference, CA Reference, Valid From and Valid To. If a search is based on multiple values, then these will be combined together using the “AND” operand, and thus only records that meet all the criteria will be presented.
If "_" character is used in the search then it will act as wildcard. |
See also