MAX Disk Utilisation per Transaction per signature
In the ADSS Signing Service all request/responses are stored in the SigningTransactionLogs database table. You can optionally configure ADSS not to store the input and output documents in the transaction tables to save space. See ADSS Signing Service > Using Signing Service Manager for more details.
The amount of disk space utilised for the transaction logs can be calculated as follows:
Miscellaneous data size + size of request + size of response.
Miscellaneous data = RequestId, response status, error details, time information, timestamp etc and is approx 0.8 KB (Max)
Size of request = 1 KB + size of document to be signed
Size of response = 3 KB + size of the signed document
Example: For a PDF sent for signing with a size of 155KB size, the disk utilisation requirement is:
0.8 KB + 156 KB + 158 KB = 315 KB (approx)
If the input and output documents are not stored then the disk utilisation becomes:
0.8 KB + 1 KB + 3 KB = 5 KB (approx).
In the ADSS Verification Service all request/responses and auxiliary data e.g. OCSP request/responses, timestamp request/responses are stored in the VerificationTransactionLogs and VerificationTransactionDetails tables.
The amount of disk space utilised for the transaction logs can be calculated as follows:
Size of miscellaneous data (see below) + size of request + size of response + (detailed data size + detail miscellaneous data for each detailed data item e.g. OCSP, Timestamp etc)
Miscellaneous data = TransactionID, Request received time, Response sent time, error/info messages etc. This varies between 0.1 KB and 0.8 KB
Detail miscellaneous data = TransactionID, error/info messages, approx 0.16 KB
Detailed data = OCSP request/responses, Timestamps found while processing the request
Size of request depends upon the size of the sent signature or document + approx 5 to 10 KB for other XML data e.g. RespondWith, Transaction ID etc.
Size of response depends upon what is required back e.g. if no RespondWith is asked for then the size of response is approx 7 to 10 KB
For a PDF containing 1 signature and a (base 64 encoded) size of 155 KB, where all RespondWith item are requested, the following is the disk utilisation where OCSP based revocation was performed and responses were time stamped:
0.8 KB + 160 KB+ 130 KB + (4 KB + 0.16 KB ) + (4 KB + 0.16 KB ) = 300 KB (approx)
Note that when ADSS Gateway is used the full document is not sent to ADSS Server hence the disk utilisation is reduced.
In the ADSS Certification Service all request/responses are stored in CertificationTransactionLogs database table.
The amount of disk space utilised for the transaction logs can be calculated as:
Miscellaneous data size + size of request + size of response.
Miscellaneous data = RequestId, response status, error details, time information etc. and is approx 0.7 KB (Max)
Size of request = 2 KB
Size of response varies from 1 KB to 12 KB depending upon what is required e.g. PKCS7, Certificate etc.
For a certification request where PKCS#7, certificate and PFX are required back then the disk utilisation is:
0.7 KB + 2 KB + 12 KB = 15 KB (approx)
If the nothing is asked for in the response then the disk utilisation is:
0.7 KB + 2 KB + 1 KB = 4 KB (approx)
Note: Please note that key length of issued certificate is set to 2048 (RSA) for these stats.
In the ADSS OCSP Service all request/responses are stored in OcspTransactionLogs database and OcspTransactionDetails tables.
The amount of disk space utilised for a transaction can be calculated as follows:
Miscellaneous data size + size of request + size of response.
Miscellaneous data size = Id, response status, RelyingPartyId, RelyingPartyIssuer Name, hmac, time information and is approx 0.6 KB.
Size of request = 1.6 KB approx. (For a single CertId) + OCSP Signature size (0.4 KB) + size of attached certificates (2KB approx. if one cert is attached) = 4 KB approx
Size of response = 4 KB approx (Also depends upon the number of certificates attached)
Example 0.6 KB + 4 KB + 4 KB =8.6 KB (approx)
Miscellaneous data size + size of request + size of response.
Miscellaneous data size = Id, TransactionId, CertSerialNo, CertIssuerName, CertStatus, ResponderUrl, hmac, time information and is approx 0.67 KB approx.
Size of request = 1.6 KB approx (for a single CertId) + OCSP Signature size (0.4 KB) + size of attached certificates (2KB approx if one cert is attached) = 4 KB approx
Size of response = 4 KB approx (Also depends upon the number of certificates attached)
Example 0.67 KB + 4 KB + 4 KB =8.67 KB (approx)
In the ADSS TSA Service all request/responses are stored in TsaTransactionLogs database table.
The amount of disk space utilised for a transaction log can be calculated as follows:
Miscellaneous data size + size of request + size of response.
Miscellaneous data size = Id, response status, error details, PolicyId, RelyingPartyId, RelyingPartyCert, External TSA address, hmac, TsaCertificate, time information, timestamp etc and is approx 1.2 KB + Size of RelyingPartySSLCert (approx 2KB) + Size of TSA Cert (approx 2KB) = 5.2 KB approx.
Size of request = 0.6 KB approx
Size of response = 2 KB approx (Also depends upon the number of certificates attached)
5.2 KB + 0.6 KB + 2 KB =7.8 KB (approx)
In the ADSS LTANS Service the Archived data is stored in LtanArchivedData database table. All requests/responses are stored in LtanTransactionLogs database table.
The amount of disk space utilized for the Archived Data can be calculated as:
Miscellaneous data size + size of ers data
Miscellaneous data = data type, Originator ID, Creation Time, TSA address, Status etc = 5 KB (approx)
Size of ers data: 13 KB (approx)
For an LTANS Service archive creation request, where the archived data is not stored in the database the disk utilisation is:
5 KB + 13 KB = 18 KB (approx)
The amount of disk space utilized for the transaction logs can be calculated as:
Miscellaneous data size + size of request + size of response
Miscellaneous data = RequestId, response status, error details, time information etc. and is approx 0.75 KB (Max)
Size of request: 3 KB
Size of response varies from 2 to 8 KB based upon the archive profile configurations.
For an LTANS service transaction, where the archived data is not stored in the database, the disk utilization for transaction log is: 0.75 KB + 3 KB + 8 KB = 11.75 KB (approx)