To make it easier for business applications to request management of users, keys and devices along with signing operations, the ADSS RAS Service uses RAS Profiles. A RAS profile defines the format and characteristics of the SAM Service configurations (e.g. which SAM Service address, profile ID, Client ID to be used) and define characteristics of user authentication settings (e.g. Basic or SAML) that will be used when this profile is referenced in a user keys generation, device registration and signing request from a client application.

To create or edit a RAS Profile click on RAS Profiles and the following screen is shown:


A new profile can be created by clicking the New button. An existing profile can be edited by clicking the Edit button. If you want to create a new profile by copying large part of an existing profile then click Make a Copy. The following screen is shown:

The configuration items are as follows:




A SAM profile may be marked Active or Inactive. Note that an inactive profile will not not be used to process requests generated by client application.

Profile ID

A mandatory field which provides a system-defined unique identifier for this profile.

Profile Name

A mandatory unique name defined by the ADSS Server Administrator for easier recognition of the profile within the ADSS Operator Console.

Profile Description

This can be used to describe the profile in more detail (e.g. in which circumstances will this RAS profile be used). This is for information purposes only.

SAM Server Settings

This section defines the configuration required for requests forwarding to SAM Service. 

SAM Service Address

Use this field to add SAM service address(es).

List of SAM Service Addresses

This field shows the SAM Service addresses that can be used to generate user keys, register user devices within SAM Service. Multiple service addresses can be added. The Test button checks that the ADSS SAM Service is available. The Remove button deletes a configured SAM Service address.

SAM Profile

Specifies the SAM profile to be used for this RAS profile.

Client ID 

Shows the Client ID of SAM Service. RAS Service will send this Client ID while communicating with SAM service. SAM service verifies that this is a registered Client ID within the Client Manager module before granting access to this service.

Authorisation Certificate

The Authorisation Certificate field shows a list of certificates configured with 'Document Signing' purpose. The RAS Service uses this certificate to sign the SAD (Signature Activation Data). Normally the SAD is signed by the Go>Sign mobile application but there are cases when the SAD could be signed by RAS Service using this authorisation certificate.
These cases include:

  1. When an external IdP is used to authorise the request instead of Go>Sign mobile application.
  2. When a PIN/OTP is used to authorise the request in case of SCAL1.
  3. In e-sealing cases where first request is authorised by user using Go>Sign mobile application, an external IdP or a PIN/OTP  and for rest of the requests the user's involvement is not required. RAS Service gets the first SAD renewed by SAM and sign the new SAD using its authorisation certificate. It repeats the same for next series of requests

Use TLS Client Authentication

If this option is enabled then RAS service will communicate with SAM service using TLS client authentication. By default it is disabled.


Select the Client TLS Certificate which pre-exists in the Key Manager

Note: It is required to register the Issuer CA of the Client TLS certificate in Trust Manager with the CA for verifying TLS client certificates purpose. 

User Authentication Settings for Business Application

This section defines the configuration required for user authentication mechanism for business application.

Basic Authentication (User ID and Password)

Using Basic Authentication, the user is authorized by providing UserID and password, the RAS Service will return a user access token to the client application for the subsequent communication.

Note: By default it is disabled

OAuth2 Authentication

The user is authenticated using OAuth2.0 mechanism. In this case, an access token is provided by RAS service that can be used by business application for subsequent communication. 

Note: By default it is disabled.

SAML Assertion

Using SAML Authentication, the user is authorised using a SAML assertion provided by an external IDP, the RAS Service will validate the provided assertion and will return a user access token to the client application for the subsequent communication.

Note: By default it is disabled.

IDP Signing Certificate

Specifies the certificate use to verify SAML Assertion.

Identify UserID from Subject

If enabled RAS service will get UserID from Subject Element of SAML Assertion. 

Identify UserID from Attribute

If enabled RAS service will get UserID from Attribute in SAML Assertion.

Attribute Name

Specifies the Attribute Name use to get UserID from SAML Assertion by RAS Service. 

Credentials Authorisation Setting

This section defines the configuration required for credentials authorisation mechanism.

A business application can request RAS Service to provide the supported credentials authorisation methods using a CSC API (credentials/info) and configurations made in this section are returned to business application as a result.


Implicit authorisation means that the RAS service is taking care of the authorisation process autonomously, by engaging with the user without any intermediation from the business application. In this case, the user is required to provide authorisation on Go>Sign mobile app. 

Note: When "Implicit" will be selected in RAS Profile, only following options should be configured in SAM Profile:

  • SCAL2 should be selected for Sole Control Assurance Level.
  • Delegated User authentication via external IdP should not be selected.

OAuth2 Authorisation Code

The authorisation for the user to access the signing key will be done by OAuth 2.0 authorisation code flow. The authorisation is returned in the form of an authorisation code, which the application shall then use to obtain SAD (Signature Activation Data).

In OAuth 2.0 authorisation, the authentication of user can be performed in multiple ways. It includes 'Direct user authentication via Go>Sign App' and 'Delegated user authentication via external IdP'. Both of these methods are explained below:  

  • Direct user authentication via Go>Sign App: In this scheme, the signing request is authorised on Go>Sign Mobile App, hence, the user is authenticated by Go>Sign Mobile Application.
    • Display Text: While authenticating a user via Go>Sign Mobile App, a web page will be displayed by ADSS RAS Service to the user. This field allows the operator to enter the default text as an instruction for the user on the web page. For example: 
      "You need to authorise this signing request on Go>Sign mobile app."
      • Do not display authorisation prompt to user: When this checkbox is enabled, a page that is being displayed by RAS Service asking the user to authorise the transaction as well as loading page for Go>Sign App will be skipped.
  • Delegated user authentication via external IdP: In this scheme, ADSS RAS Service will redirect the user to an external IdP and user will be authenticated by IdP. The Go>Sign mobile app will not be used to authorise requests in this case. The IdP will provide an assertion to RAS Service.
    • External IdP: This drop-down shows the list of external IdP's configured in Connector sub-module in Global Settings. It allows the operator to select the required external IdP from the drop-down list.
    • Display Text: While authenticating a user via external IdP, a web page will be displayed by ADSS RAS Service to user. This field allows the operator to enter the default text as an instruction for the user on the new page. For example:
      "You need to authorise this signing request". If business application provides a Display Text to RAS Service then that text will be displayed to user instead of the text in this field.
      • Forward Display Text to IdP: When this checkbox is enabled, an optional description parameter is sent to the configured external IdP with Display Text as the value of parameter. The parameter will be sent for all supported delegated authentication protocols like SAML, SAML Redirect and OpenID Connect.
      • Do not display authorisation prompt to user: When this checkbox is enabled, a page that is being displayed by RAS Service asking the user to authorise the transaction as well as loading page for external IdP will be skipped.

Note: When this option will be selected in RAS Profile, SCAL2 should be selected in SAM Profile.


In explicit authorisation, the user can authorise the credentials by selecting either PIN or OTP (One Time Password). The operator has the option to select either PIN or OTP or both type of authorisations. Details of both these mechanisms are explained below: 

  • PIN based authorisation: In this scheme, the user authorises the credentials by providing a PIN. The user password that was provided while registering the user in ADSS Server will be used as PIN here. The user will enter this PIN on a screen provided by the business application and the business application in turn will send this PIN to RAS Service for credential authorisation.
    • PIN Label: This field is used to set a label for the PIN field. Note that this label is displayed on a page hosted by business application. When business application requests RAS Service for a credential's information,  returns this PIN Label if set in the profile. The business application can use this label to show against the PIN field on its page. It is an OPTIONAL field with maximum 255 characters allowed.
    • PIN Description: This field will be used to enter the PIN description. Just like PIN label this information is also provided to business application. It is an OPTIONAL field with maximum 255 characters allowed
  • OTP based authorisation: In this scheme, the user authorises the credentials by providing an OTP. The RAS Server will send an OTP via SMS or Email (as per configuration) to the user. On receiving the OTP, the user will enter it on a page hosted by its business application. The business application will provide this OTP to RAS Service for credentials authorisation.
    • OTP Label: This field is used to set a label for the OTP field. This label will also be displayed on the page hosted by business application. It is an OPTIONAL field with maximum 255 characters allowed.
    • OTP Description: This field will be used to enter a description for the OTP. It is an OPTIONAL field with maximum 255 characters allowed.
    • Send OTP via: This is a drop-down field that enables the operator to select whether to send OTP via SMS or Email.

Note: CSC specification allows two types of OTPs i.e. 'offline' and 'online' but RAS Service only supports the 'online' OTPs that are generated by RAS and sent to user's mobile or email.

Note: When this option will be selected in RAS Profile, SCAL1 should be selected in SAM Profile.

User Authentication Settings for Mobile Application

This section defines the configuration required for user authentication mechanism for mobile application.

Authenticate User with OTP(s)

User is authenticated (at time of login and device registration) using the OTPs that are delivered to user’s mobile or email. 

By selecting any check box user can received the OTPs on any of the selected option. 

Authenticate User with QR Code

Go>Sign mobile app will send a request to RAS to authenticate the user, it will inform the mobile app, the user will be authenticated using a QR code. The Go>Sign mobile app will launch the mobile’s camera to scan the QR Code and ask the user to login to its Web RA account to get the QR Code. 

No Authentication

No authentication is required for a user at time of login and device registration.

If both Basic Authentication (User ID and Password) and SAML Assertion are not enabled in the RAS profile then the RAS Service will authenticate the client with the provided Client ID and Client Secret and return a service access token to the Client Application for the subsequent communication.

The table of RAS profiles can be sorted in either Ascending or Descending order by selecting a table column from the drop down list. The list can be sorted by RAS Profile ID, RAS Profile Name, Created At time or Status. 

Clicking on the Search button on RAS Profiles main page will display following screen:

This helps to locate a particular RAS profile, the RAS Service may have configured. The RAS profile can be searched based on "Status", "Profile ID", "Profile Name". If a search is based on multiple values, then these will be combined together using the “AND” operand, and thus only records that meet all the criteria will be presented.

If "_" character is used in the search then it will act as wildcard.

The Duplicate profile will be created without the Name and Description of the selected Profile. The Unique ID generates automatically or the next available ID will be assigned to the Profile.

See also

Step 2 - Registering Business Applications
Step 3 - Configuring Notification Settings
Step 4 - Using the Service Manager