This page is used to configure the Certificate Generation Settings that will be generated in the Go>Sign Desktop.

The configuration items are as follows:



Key Algorithm

Specify the Key Algorithm that will be used to generate the key pair from Go>Sign Desktop.

  • RSA

Curve Type

Select the Curve Type that will be used to generate the key pair from Go>Sign Desktop. ADSS Server supports the following Curve Types:

  • NIST P
  • SEC2 K
  • Brainpool R
  • Brainpool T

Note: The Curve Type drop-down will be available only when ECDSA algorithm is selected in key algorithm field.

Key Length

Specify the Key Length against the above selected algorithm. 

  • The choices of RSA keys are:
    • 1024
    • 2048
    • 3072
    • 4096
  • The choices for ECDSA keys are: 
    • 160
    • 192
    • 224
    • 256
    • 320
    • 384
    • 512
    • 521

Password Strength

Specify the strength of password by providing a desired regular expression. 

See the following link to check some example of regular expressions:

Clicking the Next button will display the Key Store Settings page.

See also

Key Store Settings
Service Settings
Advanced Settings