The Sent Messages sub-module will list all the messages sent to the Foreign SPOCs.

To view the list of sent messages, navigate to the following screen:

The configuration items are as follows: 




It shows the country where the message has been sent.

Message ID

It is an auto-generated ID for the message that will be sent to foreign SPOC.  

Sent At

It shows the date and time of the sent message.


It shows the subject of message that defines the content of message.


It shows the body of the message that displays the message text. Clicking on the 'View' in the message column will open a new window that will show the body of the message.

Foreign Message ID

If the sent message was a reply to a received message, this field will display the received message ID to link the received message with sent message.


By clicking on this button, the selected sent message will be removed from the list.

Clicking on the 'View' in the message column will open a new window that will show the body of the message. See the below screen:

Clicking on the 'Search' button on the Received Messages main page will display the following screen: 

A particular Sent Message can be searched based on Message ID and SPOC Country. If a search is based on multiple values, then these will be combined together using the “AND” operand, and thus only records that meet all the criteria will be presented.

If "_" character is used in the search then it will act as wildcard.

See also

Received Messages