Change Sequence Number Algorithm
The sequence number algorithm selected while creating a CV certificate can be changed using this module. A CV certificate contains a sequence number as part of its Holder Reference. On each rekey this sequence number is incremented no matter if it contains numeric or alphanumeric value. This module allows to change the sequence number algorithm i.e. if previously it was numeric, the operator can change it to alphanumeric and vice versa.
Clicking on the Key Manager > Service Keys > Certificates > Change Sequence Number will display the following screen:
As shown in the image above, the 'Certificate Details' section will show some basic information of the certificate and old sequence number algorithm. The 'Sequence Number Algorithm' section will allow an operator to select a different algorithm. When certificate will be re-keyed, the new sequence number will be generated according to the new algorithm selected.
Clicking on the 'Save' button will change the sequence number algorithm of the selected certificate. |
See also
Creating CV Certificates
Importing CV Certificates
Rekey Certificate
Searching CV Certificates