Key Manager can be configured to send email alerts to system operators about various conditions. The following screen shows how such alerts can be configured :



Certificate expiry alert

If enabled, an alert is sent when the system finds a certificate is due to expire in the configured number of days.

Auto renewal successfully

If enabled, the ADSS Core sends an email alert when a certificate is automatically renewed.

Auto renewal fail

If enabled, the ADSS Core sends an email alert when a certificate is not automatically renewed. 

Crypto source monitoring

If enabled, an email alert is sent when:

  • Configured HSM connection fails
  • HSM Connection re-established after disconnection
  • ADSS Server time deviation from the HSM internal clock crosses the threshold limit defined in Global Settings.

Internal error occurred

If enabled, the ADSS Core sends an email alert when an internal error has occurred during processing of a certification request (e.g. database is not accessible).

Note that alerts are generated only for those certificates that are generated/imported using Key Manager. This setting does not affect certificates requested via a web service request to the Certification Service.

See also

Crypto Source

Service Keys
Key Templates
Certificate Groups
Certificate Templates
Certificate Purpose
CV Certificate Template
Auto Renew Certificates
Default DName